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The Return of the Care Home Massacre

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In March 2020 it was patently clear that our Government’s aim was to murder as many old people as it could get away with. And now it’s going to start again. UK Doctors have been told, once more, to jab the elderly with yet more toxic drugs: the covid-19 jab.

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By Dr. Vernon Coleman

In March 2020 it was patently clear that our Government’s aim was to murder as many old people as it could get away with. It was then that I pointed out that all around the world citizens were at war with their own Governments.

Governments everywhere punished the elderly for being elderly, and for being a financial and social inconvenience in a new world order dedicated to technology, intellectual terrorism and the corruption of mankind.

Official policy was to deprive the elderly of medical care, to deny them food and drink and the companionship of their loved ones, and to keep them quiet and ultimately kill them with a toxic cocktail of a benzodiazepine and a morphine derivative.

The officially sponsored and protected campaign was a huge success. It was an approved, global genocide – the sort of evil that journalists used to expose when they cared about truths and decency.

Today, of course, journalists in the mainstream media merely print what they are told to print. They are no more than propagandists, feeding the public lies which have been approved by the governments who pay their wages.

And so the genocide went unnoticed by broadcasters and newspaper journalists.

No one in journalism or the health care professions cared because they were paid not to care. And they were too frightened of the consequences (the inevitable demonization) to dare to think of the truth – let alone to share it.

Some of the elderly survived, of course. Thousands died. But some survived.

The conspirators had an answer for that.

They bribed doctors (with huge fees) to inject everyone, but especially the elderly, with a toxic drug which, it was known, would prove damaging and often lethal.

And so, with the aid of a health care profession which had sold its soul, the culling of the elderly continued.

And now it’s going to start again.

Doctors have been told, once more, to jab the elderly with yet more of that toxic drug: the covid-19 jab.

And they’ll do it because they have lost all sense of honour, respectability, decency and professional self-respect.

The doctors, as shameless as they are ignorant, won’t do the jabbing themselves, of course.

When you work a 26 hour week (as the average GP now does) and you spend most of that filling in forms and moonlighting for an internet medical service, there isn’t time to see patients let alone to stick needles in their arms.

And so nurses, of one variety or another, will be ordered to do the jabbing. The doctors will confine themselves to checking that the correct amount of cash has been paid into their bank account.

And the Care Home Massacre – round two will be under way.

I feel tired, very old, despairing and desperately ashamed of the world we seem to have created.

The collaborators, those people who say nothing, who do not speak up, are to blame, of course. The conspirators couldn’t do all this without a compliant population.

Don’t be quiet.

Don’t say nothing.

If you know someone in a care home make sure that they know the exact nature of the drug they are going to be given.

Doctors and nurses won’t tell them about the potential side effects (short, medium and long-term) though they have a legal obligation to do so. The idiots among them still insist the jabs are perfectly safe and see no connection with the fact that they are still struggling to find an explanation for a mystery illness called ‘Sudden Adult Death Syndrome’.

Make sure that all the old people you know realise that it isn’t just their government which hates them: their doctor now sees them as nothing more than a quick ‘kerching’ on the practice cash register.

If you don’t spread the truth, no one else will.

Like a modern day Atlas, you have the future on your shoulders.

P.S. Please read or re-read my article entitled ‘New Scary Flu Jab Coming’. 

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1 year ago


M.A. Dowrick
M.A. Dowrick
1 year ago

Sadly like many elderly, those in care homes just do as they are told. Except now they will not only be given another toxic covid vaxx with no safety or efficacy data, but they will also be injected with a quadvalent flu shot. A nightmare scenario, guaranteed to wipe out our elderly “useless eaters”, as the WEF calls them. Remember Italy at the start of the covid hoax. Who died first? Yes that is right all the elderly vaxxed for influenza that season with a trivalent? flu Vaxx. The four flu types of inactivated flu viruses, in the latest flu vaxx ought to finish off many.
PS. The elderly are unable to mount immune response after vaxxes due to their weak immune systems which occurs in old age. A shame the majority of doctors just conveniently ignore this fact.

Reply to  M.A. Dowrick
1 year ago

The doctors do not “ignore” any fact, they are just of the same mind as the goverment even if they do not admit it.

So, IF the government want to protect their own interest and wealth and by that does evil, what then make them more “evil” than those doctors and nurses and others that obey what they say?
Does not the doctors and nurses agree in the killing for the very same reason, for to protect their own interest and wealth?

Bob - Enough
Bob - Enough
Reply to  Maria
1 year ago

This is the view of many, but in general I take the opposite view, in that most Doctors are good people, but we are taking GPs = General Practitioners that are “Jack of all trades, Master of None”…

Yes of course they have reaped the rewards of the plandemic, but many have had their practices closed down, so their patients could be moved to government controlled “regional” health centres – many people in the UK don’t know that.

I would still hang them all, but my wrath is aimed at the people that implemented this and the consultants in hospital that have seen the adverse effects and done sweet FA about it.

Reply to  Bob - Enough
1 year ago

Those who implemented this did it for the reason that they know, contrary to your view, that the human is only “good” as long as it does not cost themselves anything.

During the Nürnberg trial they asked Himmler how they could manage seemingly “good” people to perform those evil deeds to other humans?”
Himler answered “it is not diffucult because the evil is already inside the human”.

In other words, no one can “implement” anything in someone, they can only use what already is hiding inside human.

Bob - Enough
Bob - Enough
Reply to  Maria
1 year ago

Not sure where you get “contrary to your view” as I understand that evil exists in people, maybe all people if they let it thrive; but I am just stating that many others are just ignorant.

I am certainly not arguing with you.

Reply to  Bob - Enough
1 year ago

Sorry, I maybe did read your comment wrong, I think I now understand it correctly? that you do not agree with “the many” who think most doctors are “good”?

On the other hand I cannot separata ignorance from evil because it origin from the same root.

“From the fruit you will know the tree (and by that its roots and from where the roots receive its nutrients and so on).

Big Pharma origin from IG farben Auswich, which can explain the fruit of that tree. And indeed “ignorance” is a part of that root system.

I do not argue with you as well, I just find it extrordinary important to be very precise in how to without compromising separate good from evil, because it is the mixture of good and evil that is the most dangerous.

Bob - Enough
Bob - Enough
Reply to  Maria
1 year ago

Yep, I think !. But a definite yes in that I agree with you regards the devil is in the detail, BUT… lol; I will leave it there if OK … oh bllx, on a rant again… most of my immediate family have been jabbed and I have had it out with them, I have had it out with my Doctor and Dentist (of all people), where I have shown them the European, US and UK reporting schemes of so called adverse effects (yes explained that they are but a fraction and they should multiply the numbers by 41-100) and some of the people are in denial, but some of the people are generally shocked … my doctor was. How the so and so did not know, is another question; now this doctor is a small town doctor and we have been with him for years…a GP = general practitioner… not someone in the hospitals.

Please let us leave it like that. Cheers for now and catch you on the next one.

PS I think MOST doctors are bought out slaves to big pharma.

Reply to  Maria
1 year ago

The salary of the doctors was just raised by 17% if I recall well, now it is nearly 150 000 / year. (2-3 days old news on Icke’s site).
What does it tell you?

Reply to  M.A. Dowrick
1 year ago

They were graphene oxide shots, the 2018-19 flu vaxxes, at least two types (proven) had graphene oxide, just like the covid shots. That – working together with radiation, multiplying the effect killed them in Italy and Spain.
And they new it as early as 2020 summer, namely not the graphene oxide, was not discovered in the vaxxes yet, but the connection between 5G and the flu vax, they established that there was a connection, a cross poisoning, empowering effect.

Doctors for Truth Conference, Spain, 2020 summer.

Reply to  GundelP
1 year ago

Several years ago I heard a military officer say that they by technology can activate flue seasons.

I do think that the naturally (but bad) bacteria that already exist in human and which lives besides our good bacteria can be activated during certain circumstances for example by certain radiation.

Myself for example is vaccinated (2000) against tuberculosis (and by that received that bacteria) and since then I started to cough regurlarly for long periods each year.
But, since the “pandemic” started I cough the very same cough more or less all the time.

Even being close to some mobiles can start a severe cough attack.
If I not have had the words of that military in fresh mind I would never had made that (obvious) connection.

Rabbi Seamus
Rabbi Seamus
Reply to  M.A. Dowrick
1 year ago

Difficult to understand your comment. Those previously vaccinated against Influenza died first once Covid appeared?

1 year ago

I feel tired, very old, despairing and desperately ashamed of the world we seem to have created.” So do I.

1 year ago

I just read an article from Belgium where in 2020 – 2021 several people in an elderly home were injected with insulin. Several succumbed. No leads yet.

A Person
A Person
1 year ago

Some guy, James D., was a nursing assistant at a nursing home, who reported (in Jan., 2021) that 14 residents there had died within weeks of a jabbing campaign that started around December 22, 2020 (with no residents having died of COVID in the whole of 2020 before that campaign started) .

There are other similar stories, such as the one by James M. (also reported in Jan., 2021) about an Auburn (New York) nursing home where 24 residents died within weeks of a jabbing campaign that started on the same date of December 22, 2020 (also with no residents having died of COVID in the whole of 2020 before that campaign started). Interestingly, the 24 deaths were blamed on COVID .

Mark Deacon
Mark Deacon
1 year ago

Going too toxic vaxx my elderly relatives right with no consequences?

The vaxxers really believe they will get away with it … even dumber than I thought. I would not want to be a doctor or nurse now because they have big targets front and back.

1 year ago

“The officially sponsored and protected campaign was a huge success”

“They” at the top level cannot do anything IF they did not know that there are millions “ordinary” citizens that are as full of evil and selfishness as themselves.

1 year ago

My 75 year old aunt texted me last night to tell me she and my uncle tested positive for Covid. I drove to their house at 12:30 AM and dropped off Ivermectin pills, HCQ, zinc, and Quercetin. She told me today her fever came down and that I may have saved her life. Uncle is feeling great. This is considered a negative outcome by the cabal. They would prefer my family dead. Their evil is no longer a theory and very much a reality. You can get your ivm by visiting

Reply to  PureBlood1778
1 year ago

Great story, you should write for Hollywood. How many times have you posted that and who’s your favorite on Gilligan’s Island? LOL

A Person
A Person
Reply to  anon
1 year ago

Poor PureBlood1778’s uncle is so unlucky! They had the exact same thing happen, word for word, on July 31st. Testing positive, PureBlood having to drive to drive to their house at 12:30, etc. You are saving his life numerous times.

Reply to  A Person
1 year ago

Where does “pure blood” write that he has saved his uncle life “a numerous of times”?

Is it not rather that he has written the same story a numerous of times, which is a huge difference.

Laine Preston
Laine Preston
1 year ago

Australia used its own AstraZeneca ‘vaccine’ and ONLY the elderly in nursing homes were allowed to take it. No family were allowed to visit or attend the funerals. They ALL died. Therefore no other Australian wanted to take it. PM Scott Morrison had to beg Pfizer to send their ‘vaccines’ to Australia. He had to sign a contract stating that Pfizer would OWN AUSTRALIA if any negative comments were made regarding their poison. Again many Australians died or suffered horrific injuries such as myocarditis and Periocarditis. To this day Australian’s over 60 are only allowed the Australian AstraZeneca Vaccine. Other Australians have a choice of poison. Obviously there is a depopulation agenda for anyone over 60! And those who opposed the ‘vaxx’ entirely are well aware of that. Deaths and injuries especially in the very young who were also ‘Mandated’ to take the poison is rife and no media or government reporting is allowed for threats of prosecution and Jail. The PM announced publicly on TV that the unvaxxed sharing information in telegram had been put on the Bio-Security LisT as TERRORISTS and the Health Ministers said publicly we were ‘taking up oxygen’. All unvaxxed have lost their jobs!

A Person
A Person
Reply to  Laine Preston
1 year ago

Umm, I’m not entirely sure that ALL who took AstraZeneca in Australia died, that those over 60 are only allowed AstraZeneca and that all unvaxxed have lost their jobs. In fact, I’m pretty positive that at least one or two in the country survived so far and have kept their job.

“Four vaccines — Pfizer, AstraZeneca, Moderna and Novavax — are available across Australia…There is no brand preference for people aged 60 years and older.” –,people%20aged%2059%20and%20under.

You are right about them being poisons though. Even the Govt in Australia calls them poisons:
This approval applies to a pharmacist who, at the time of the administration of the Schedule 4 poison,1 namely any SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) VACCINE approved by the Therapeutic Goods Administration (COVID-19 VACCINE)…”

1 year ago

[…] – The Return of the Care Home Massacre […]

1 year ago

Violation of the Hippocratic Oath is misfeasance in public offence.
Not to mention murder and ABH for those still alive from the shot.

1 year ago

[…] The Return of the Care Home Massacre […]