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Charles “The Great Reset” King and Global Britain using the Commonwealth, Five Eyes and City of London to exert influence

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This week, Charles was crowned King of the United Kingdom and the other 14 Commonwealth realms. But that is not all. He has also become head of the British Commonwealth, head of the Anglican Church, and spokesman for a program dubbed “Global Britain.”

Since 1833, Global Britain has been managed by a pseudo-private system of Crown Agents today named ‘Crown Agents for Overseas Government and Administration’. This vast body exists as a semi-official status and describes itself as “an emanation of the crown.” The agency is partnered with the World Bank, United Nations and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.  It acts as a giant holding company with one shareholder called the Crown Agents Foundation based in Southwark London.

The idea of Global Britain has always had at its heart the concept of an integrated British Commonwealth with the Five Eyes at the head of intelligence, City of London at the head of finance and the hereditary structures of power centred around the Crown through which all branches of the international deep state derive their powers. The fact is that the British Empire continues to exert a vast top-down influence over world affairs.

Having been set up in the 1930s as the new face of the British Empire, today’s British Commonwealth occupies 12.2 million square miles of territory, holds 2.4 billion people and represents 21% of the world’s land area.  Britain continues to exert vast control over the mining concessions of Africa, for example, with over $1 trillion of direct mining interests controlled by British and/or British Commonwealth-based corporations. 

Britain is the creator and central command structure of the Five Eyes intelligence apparatus and has also been dubbed “Londonistan” for having provided safe havens for international terrorist groups who have found sanctuary under the ideology of tolerant Britain.

The City of London – dubbed the “Square Mile” and a separate legal entity from the UK as enshrined in the Magna Carta of 1214 – is the nerve centre of world finance, with the Bank of England and Commonwealth offshore tax havens directing trillions of dollars of drug money laundering, terrorist financing and other corrupt practices globally.

Global Britain – being an institution organised entirely around hereditary institutions, the centrepiece for the continuity of this reform – is hinged upon a ruling family occupying the position of official Prima inter pares (first among equals) around which the entire structure of controls can exert its influence.  This role has now fallen onto Charles “The Great Reset” King.

Related: The Black Nobility, a New World Order and Charles “The Great Reset” King

During Charles coronation, pledges of allegiance to the monarch were read by elected officials across every other Commonwealth Five Eyes member state.  And, for the first time, British and Commonwealth citizens around the globe were also invited to recite a pledge of allegiance to the new monarch and his “heirs and successors” but this didn’t go down well with the public. In an online poll for ITV’s Good Morning Britain, 86.5% of more than 164,000 respondents said they would not recite the pledge.

After describing all of the above in more detail in an essay, Matthew Ehret then asks: Is this institution of hereditary powers which Charles has inherited just a ceremonial gig with no real substance or influence behind it?

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The following are excerpts from ‘Global Britain and King Charles’ Great Reset’ written by Matthew Ehret

Prince Charles: World’s Largest Property Owner

This may surprise you, but the British Crown happens to be the world’s largest property owner clocking in possessions amounting to 6.6 billion acres across Australia, New Zealand, Northern Ireland, Canada, Great Britain and the Falkland Islands.

On top of the “Crown Lands” and “Crown Corporations” which are legally owned by the monarch of Britain, an organisation called ‘The Crown Estate’ is one of the world’s largest property groups. Describing the institution which sends 25% of its earnings directly into the Monarch’s purse every year, Die Welt Business had this to say:

The Crown Estate owns property all across the UK, from castles and cottages to agricultural land and forests plus retail parks and shopping centres. It owns more than half the UK’s entire seashore, giving it hugely valuable auction rights for offshore commercial activity, such as wind farms.

The Crown controls nearly the entire seabed (and half the seashore) around the UK with any business wishing to build offshore windmills as part of the Green New Deal forced to rent their sea beds from the Crown Estate. It was noted by Byline Times that the Crown will stand to become “the biggest beneficiary of UK’s Green Agenda” which recently unveiled a 10 point plan for a “green revolution” and full decarbonisation by 2050. For anyone confused about the exploding prices of inefficient energy sources across England, they wouldn’t get far without appreciating the tax-payer subsidised boondoggle of windmill farms.

Related: Netherlands’ Land Grab: What is driving the Dutch nation to attack itself and destroy the bedrock of its society?

Prince Charles himself has demonstrated that he certainly doesn’t see the Crown as a symbolic entity and was accused of “incontinent lobbying” in 2013 when dozens of personal letters – dubbed the “Black Spider Memos” – to Members of Parliament and the Prime Minister were made public after an intense legal fight to keep them secret. Charles’ official biographer Jonathan Dimbleby even wrote in 2013 that upon Charles’ succession to the Crown that things would become much more hands on, and “that a quiet constitutional revolution is afoot.”

Prerogative Powers are Real

Although much effort goes into portraying the Crown’s prerogative powers as merely symbolic, they cover nearly every branch of governance and have occasionally been used … although those British spheres of influence where they most apply are usually so self-regulating that they require very little input from such external influence to keep them in line.

These powers were first revealed publicly in 2003 and in an article titled Mystery Lifted on the Prerogative Powers, the London Guardian noted that these powers include, but are not limited to:

Domestic Affair, the appointment and dismissal of ministers, the summoning, prorogation and dissolution of Parliament, Royal assent to bills, the appointment and regulation of the civil service, the commissioning of officers in the armed forces, directing the disposition of the armed forces in the UK (and other Commonwealth nations), appointment of Queen’s Counsel, Issue and withdrawal of passports, Prerogative of mercy. (Used to apply in capital punishment cases. Still used, e.g., to remedy errors in sentence calculation), granting honours, creation of corporations by Charter, foreign Affairs, the making of treaties, declaration of war, deployment of armed forces overseas, recognition of foreign states, and accreditation and reception of diplomats.

When a 2009 bill was introduced into parliament proposing that these powers be limited, a Privy Council-led Justice Ministry review concluded that such limitations would ‘”dangerously weaken” the state’s ability to respond to a crisis and the bill was promptly killed.

King Charles and the Great Reset

Charles demonstrated this “more hands on” approach to governance on 3 June 2020 when he became the official patron of the World Economic Forum’s Great Reset and even officially launched the project Tweeting out #TheGreatReset. 

On his official website, the Prince launched the project saying: “Today, through HRH’s Sustainable Markets Initiative and the World Economic Forum, The Prince of Wales launched a new global initiative, The Great Reset”.

Eco-Warrior King of a New Crusade

Charles has demonstrated the sort of enthusiasm for decarbonisation of the world which one tends to only find in a religious fanatic setting himself up as the eco-warrior of monarchs, a Crusader King of a new religion, except instead of Muslims in the Holy Land, our new Davos-connected eco-crusaders have targeted carbon dioxide and the industrial civilisation, farming and useless eaters who cause it, to be the poisonous threat that must be destroyed. Charles appears to see himself walking in the footsteps of his World Wildlife Fund (“WWF”) founding father as the new leading spokesman for a total transformation of society under a WEF-green governance priesthood.

July 2022 edition of Australia’s Spectator aptly characterised Charles’ misanthropic activism in the following terms:

The environmentalism that the Prince has decided to occupy himself with while he awaits to ascend the throne is not a harmless sort of apolitical tree-planting or rainforest-saving activity. He’s not hugging pandas or funding wildlife sanctuaries. Instead, he has engaged himself in a hybrid business and political uprising that threatens the survival of the political system which he is meant to oversee. In addition to being a betrayal of the ordinary citizen, his actions represent a failure to his sole duty as future king – to protect the constitutional monarchy from rising climate fascism and globalism.

Nazi Roots of the Windsors

The documentary ‘Edward VIII: Britain’s traitor King’ on Britain’s Channel 4 revealed that the fascist heart of the Crown was alive during the darkest years before and during World War II.  Beyond the case of Edward VIII, there are many other embarrassing Nazi connections to the house of Windsor – formerly Saxe-Coburg-Gotha – which the documentary failed to mention.

All of the Duke of Edinburgh’s three sisters were married to Nazi princes, and the husband of one of them (Sophie) became a Waffen SS officer with the rank of Oberführer (senior leader).

Philip’s sister Sophie’s husband, Prince Christopher of Hesse-Cassel, was chief of the Forschungsamt (Directorate of Scientific Research), a special intelligence operation run by Hermann Göring, and he was also Standartenführer (colonel) of the SS on Heinrich Himmler’s personal staff. Philip’s four brothers-in-law, with whom he lived, all became high-ranking officials in the Nazi Party.

Philip himself maintained the family tradition, first having been educated under a Nazi curriculum centred on eugenics in the 1930s, and then going on to found the WWF with fellow one-time Nazi Party member Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands, a lifelong eugenicist and Bilderberg Group founder, in 1961. Philip and Bernhard were joined by Sir Julian Huxley – then president of the Eugenics Society of Britain – as WWF co-founder.

It should be noted King Charles continued his fathers’ legacy as president of the British World Wildlife Foundation which he has headed for over 30 years.

The Nazi pedigree of the royal family and its loyal managers raises the question: Why has their continuation of Nazi eugenics doctrine in the form of the euthanasia and zero-growth movements not become more widely known? What type of world do we live in, that such startling facts could not be general knowledge?

The true Empire has always been a financial oligarchy which is used by a vast network of power structures to advance the interests of the aristocracy of Europe. The current epicentre of power is the Anglo-Dutch monarchies. A key pillar in the control over colonies of Anglo-Dutch influence remains the Privy Council system, which is centred in Britain, but has secondary branches in select Commonwealth countries.

It is this power that controls the Bilderberg Group, its junior appendage the World Economic Forum, and steers American policy through the New York-based Council on Foreign Relations – the American version of Chatham House.

Related: The Names of The Bilderbergers Who’ve Played a Role in The Covid Event

It was to leading Chatham House member Lord Lothian in 1937 that Hitler laid out his concept for the Anglo-German New World Order saying: 

Germany, England, France, Italy, America and Scandinavia… should arrive at some agreement whereby they would prevent their nationals from assisting in the industrialising of countries such as China, and India. It is suicidal to promote the establishment in the agricultural countries of Asia of manufacturing industries.

Any number of technocrats pushing a “Build Back Better for the World” scheme or “Global Green New Deal” could have said the same thing.

Read Matthew Ehret’s full essay ‘Global Britain and King Charles’ Great Reset’ HERE.

About the Author

Matthew Ehret is a journalist, lecturer and founder of the Canadian Patriot Review and the Rising Tide Foundation. He has been written articles for Strategic Culture, The Duran, Fort Russ, LA Review of Books-China Channel, and has also been published on Asia Times, Global Times, Oriental Review, Sott, and Zero Hedge. He is also the author two book series: ‘The Untold History of Canada’ and ‘The Clash of the Two Americas’.

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Brin Jenkins
Brin Jenkins
11 months ago

Charles the great? or Tam pon charlie?

11 months ago

“Please notice the similarity of the implements King Charles holds in his right and left hands to the implements held in ancient pictures of the Pharaohs and Sumerians. These are the goads, right and left, which he employs to direct the affairs of the Imperial government — which has nothing to do with Great Britain as we think of it, at all. 

The newspaper writers try to tell us that the Coronation is merely symbolic and a private religious rite performed to meet one qualification of the Public Law enabling Charles to serve as King– which as it stands, is a promise to be a Protestant and remain a Protestant lineage as a condition of wearing the crown — but he’s wearing a foreign crown. 

Did anyone notice that? If he were serving as a Christian Monarch, he’d be wearing the Crown of Saint Edward, not the Imperial Crown.

The Imperial Crown is an Office bestowed by the Pope. This is the crown of a secular office, the British version of the Papal Tiara.  

Some Catholics are dinging Charles III for violating United Nations agreements forbidding religious preference and assuming that he is anti-Catholic. 

Even they don’t know that he may say he’s a Protestant, but he is serving the Pope just the same. They should be snickering, like the fellows in the black robes and hoods. 

So here’s Charles, avowing with his mouth that he is and will remain a Protestant while wearing a Catholic Crown and serving as the Pope’s Overseer of the Commonwealth and sitting on The Chair of the Estates, instead of the Throne. Just like his Mother. 

Just as his Mother trashed her own Oath and the appearance of being a Christian Monarch within three days of her own Coronation, King Charles III is doing the same”.  

Reply to  john
11 months ago

Well said.
Ehret asks “is this institution of hereditary powers which Charles has inherited just a ceremonial gig with no real substance or influence behind it?”
Well, we know the answer to that! The Powers That Be want us to believe that the monarchy is nothing but pomp and pageantry-a puppet show if you like-where we don’t get to see who is really pulling the strings!

We have a theatre of mockery aka the Houses of Parliament where the people think the incumbents thereof are doing their bidding-how deceived they are!

Reply to  Islander
11 months ago

Charlie is NOT a king, nor does England have a king. The throne is vacated. By donning the Pagan Imperial Crown, Charlie became an Emperor of Rome.

Reply to  Islander
11 months ago

A Notice of Objection has been put forward within the 3 day period. Other countries are doing likewise based on the latest Coronation Oath fraud. Although in 2011 REGINA V JAH proved that the Coronation Oath was a fraud, nothing could be done because the people unknowingly accepted the “Maritime/Commerce contract that was put in place 3 days after that fake Coronation.

Reply to  Islander
11 months ago

It’s said that the Companie of Merrie Men — the progenitor of today‘s Bar Association — arrived in Britain as a troupe of actors and “mummers” — pantomimes, during Shakespeare’s last days at the Globe Theater. He commented on their arrival and deemed it an “ill wind”. We are left to assume that he was already aware of their activity on the Continent.  

This past weekend, the British people witnessed a pantomime in which the former Prince Charles was ostensibly being crowned — at least verbally, as the Protestant King of England, Ireland, Scotland, and Wales, but was actually crowned as His Imperial Majesty and a pagan Roman Emperor, instead. 

That’s what the Imperial Crown used in the ceremony means, and it is a public admission — entirely silent, but obvious — of what is actually going on. It doesn’t matter what they say, it only matters what they do.  

Imperial crowns belong to Emperors, not Kings. The same kind of crown landed on the heads of Napoleon Bonaparte and Kaiser Wilhelm II just prior to the demise of their respective empires.  

So, after all these years, Charles III isn’t King of England, Ireland, Scotland, and Wales. He couldn’t be, thanks to The Norman Settlement. Like his ancestors, he is limited to working as the Pope’s Overseer of the Commonwealth, so not only is he not a King, he’s a Protestant obligated to serve the Pope, plus, he’s a German who has just been crowned as a Roman Emperor. 

We couldn’t possibly make this up.  

This situation and the failure of the British CROWN to act upon BREXIT and the failure of the former Queen’s Government to effectively monetize the British Pound Sterling (not that they could do that on their own) has led a group of British Landlords who have reclaimed their natural political birthright to join our Claim and act on behalf of their lawful Government. 

They claim the land and soil of Great Britain, including but not limited to England, Scotland, Ireland, and Wales, the Orkney Islands and other outlying British Possessions worldwide. They claim the British Pound Sterling and the Gold Sovereign as their lawful money, and they stand with the Lord High Steward, Ivan Talbot, as the actual Throne is unoccupied. 

They reject Charles III’s offer to reign over them as an Emperor sitting on The Chair of the Estates — estates formed as a result of the original Dead Baby Scam we have described earlier — instead of the Throne owed to England, Ireland, Scotland, and Wales.  

They decry the attempted substitution of an Emperor for a King which they witnessed on Saturday. They refuse the offered contract on behalf of themselves and their lawful government. They cite the High Court case of YAH v Regina as historic precedent, revealing purposeful fraud and substitution of Offices, which is happening again.  

As a result no contract exists and none is agreed upon with regard to the Kingdom and Countries of England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales and the British Possessions worldwide. In the interim and until the actual Throne is occupied, the land and soil jurisdictions will be administered by the traditional lawful government under the guidance of the Lord High Steward; whatever administration is provided by Charles III acting as the comptroller of Municipal Corporations, must be regarded as a private Subcontractor arrangement with the Pope and the City of Rome.  

Further confirmation of this deliberate action will be forthcoming. They simply asked that Cardinal Mamberti and the Vatican Chancery Court and the Archbishop of Canterbury be fully informed that the Imperial Crown offer has been rejected, and so, Notice is hereby served to the Principals and the Agents.  

We regret that it has come to this, but the defense of the British Homeland against legalized usurpation against the Constitutional Monarchy by foreign Municipal Corporations must be objected to, both privately and in public. 

Reply to  Islander
11 months ago

Hey Islander, If Chucky, Cammie, and son #1 went down in a plane, would the Spare be sworn in as king? I wonder how he would “rule.” Certainly would be entertaining, yes?

Janet Cutts
Janet Cutts
Reply to  john
11 months ago

Yes & why was the crown put in back to front then reversed around later that was odd to say the least

Janet Cutts
Janet Cutts
11 months ago

The Monarchy is now unravelling like the rest if society it doesn’t good does it

Lou Cassivi
Lou Cassivi
11 months ago

Outside of the neo-fascists/nazis attempting to run the world from Washington, I can’t imagine anything and anyone more despicable than the monarchy and its demented dolts.

11 months ago

Rhonda, I commend you on an extremely well written article and overall presentation with Matt’s article. Good job!

As an asides it would have been further illuminating if you had attached a certain picture of Chucky at an appropriate spot somewhere. If i were able to do so, I would attach it here in the comments. The one that I have in mind was posted by Larry Romanov in his article, “The City of London.” It was published some time ago at It is well worth the minor effort to go to that site and pull up the archive for Larry. Scroll down a bit and you will come to a picture of Chucky on left and the real king of the world on right, who is poking Chucky in his tie with index finger. That “real” king is, of course, Monsieur Rothschild, Evelyn, I think, who is now recently deceased. The expressions on their faces, well, tells all and one of them is indisputably master and the other looks like he just dropped a load in is briefs.

Reply to  Rhoda Wilson
11 months ago

That picture speaks a 1000 words!

Reply to  Islander
11 months ago

Are you able to post it here?

Reply to  ABC123
11 months ago


Reply to  Islander
11 months ago

Good job, Islander, good, good, good job. Just excellent. IMO that pic says it all, says everything there is to say about Chucky. If you enlarge a bit you see with crisp clarity this man’s reaction in his face when confronted with real authority. Wow. What a picture. My congrats to the photographer and to you for posting. A very appropriate addition to this article.

Reply to  ABC123
11 months ago

Islander, above you stated, “Ehret asks “is this institution of hereditary powers which Charles has inherited just a ceremonial gig with no real substance or influence behind it?”
…The Powers That Be want us to believe that the monarchy is nothing but pomp and pageantry-a puppet show if you like-where we don’t get to see who is really pulling the strings!”

Voila! Le puppeteer!!! 🥳

Reply to  ABC123
11 months ago

Well, we got a glimpse of “who is really pulling the strings!”
But, more than this-what insubordination on the part of a ‘lower’ mortal! Its almost as if Rothschild was telling him to JUST GET ON AND DO IT!!

Reply to  ABC123
11 months ago

Hi readers, I saw it in an article “Hidden History of the Incredibly Evil Khazarian Mafia” by Preston James and Mike Harris

11 months ago

This is why ive been telling people that Canada needs to leave the monarchy. Obviously thatll never happen under Trudeau. But perhaps Pollievre would be open to the idea if he were to be elected next? Then we could establish our own constitution that takes the important bits out of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms, but with a modern approach that also keeps future generations in mind. Just because Queen Elizabeth II never exercised her powers over Canada, doesnt mean Charles wont.

11 months ago

[…] Charles “The Great Reset” King and Global Britain using the Commonwealth, Five Eyes and City of …This week, Charles was crowned King of the United Kingdom and the other 14 Commonwealth realms. But that is not all. He has also become head of the British Commonwealth, head of the Anglican Church, and spokesman for a program dubbed “Global Britain.” […]

The Lizard of Oz
The Lizard of Oz
11 months ago

Irrespective of the merits or otherwise of monarchy, one may form the opinion that Betty Windsor through her long public life was majestic; that she had gravitas worthy of her high office. In Australia, she even won an election.

One might argue that Chuck Windsor possesses neither majesty nor gravitas. Is an expressed wish to be reincarnated as one’s lover’s panties desirable in a head of state?

Coer de Lion, Edward I, Henry V, this man is not. Would this man, were he your officer, inspire you to leave your trench and ‘go over the top’?

Take an oath of allegiance? Hmm, I suspect there are many who wouldn’t follow him out of idle curiosity.

11 months ago

Dr.Colenan said in an article: it is time to abandon the royal family and send them back to Germany.
King Charles is not a German by origin.
His lineage goes back to Kaiser Julius Caesar. At the coronation Kate and her daughter wore a Roman wreath of flowers as a headgear.
And also the royal Familie were infiltratet by People from Kasakhstan. This Kasakhstan-mafia rules the whole World. In every country they are deployed speciell in Germany. Evidenz: The american Encyclopedia for 1954 at 15-292 records the following on reference to the Khazars:
In the Year 740 A.D. the Khazars were officially converted to Judaism. A century later the were crushed by the incoming slavic-speaking people and were scattered over central Europe where they were known as Jews.

8 months ago

[…] Prince Philip was educated under a Nazi curriculum centred on eugenics. He founded the WWF with fellow one-time Nazi Party member Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands. The current epicentre of power is the Anglo-Dutch monarchies.  It is this power that controls the Bilderberg Group and its junior appendage the World Economic Forum. See Charles “The Great Reset” King and Global Britain using the Commonwealth, Five Eyes and City of …. […]

1 month ago

[…] offrire alla vostra attenzione, nella mia traduzione questo articolo illuminante pubblicato da The Exposé, che ringraziamo per la cortesia. Buona lettura e […]