Watch all these videos to understand WHAT is happening in our world, WHY and BY WHOM.
also UK political supporters - WAKE UP!.
FURTHER INFORMATION RECEIVED 2025 ... CONSIDER THE REVISED DETAILS THEN COMMENT ...... ENDS 07/02/2025. Planning Application to North Devon Council. Application Number: 77576 White Cross Offshore Windfarm Limited has submitted further environmental information to support its application for the 100 MW floating wind project in the Celtic Sea.
Installation of 132kV underground electricity transmission cable(s) from landfall at Saunton Sands Car park to a new substation at East Yelland.
Daily Mail: Angela Rayner to order councils to approve raft of wind and solar farm projects as part of an overhaul of planning rules by Labour. Councils will be ordered to give a raft of wind and solar farm projects the green light under an overhaul of planning rules.
The shake-up, being imposed by Housing Secretary Angela Rayner, means local planners will have an obligation to back schemes that help Britain reach its net-zero energy targets.
Any council or other planning authority which blocks a proposal will risk expensive legal appeals that developers are likely to win. Will this be the end of tourism in North Devon ?
How to watch RT News on TV. Switch on TV. Select "Menu" then Select "Web Browser". When the web browser opens then in the input box enter " " then press "Enter". Add to "Favourites".
Better with NO TV BROWSER censorship .... use tv as monitor connected to your computer with an HDMI cable to watch RT News on Rumble✓ in a browser that allows free speech. No TV license required. If links or videos do not load in your web browser then download BRAVE web browser to see all. BRAVE web browser download
UK FARMERS NEED US ! .... AND WE NEED THEM !! .... no farmers - no food !
Claire Edwards, BA Hons, MA, worked for the United Nations as Editor and Trainer in Intercultural Writing from 1999 to 2017.
Claire warned the Secretary-General about the dangers of 5G during a meeting with UN staff in May 2018, calling for a halt to its rollout at UN duty stations.
She part-authored, designed, administered the 30 language versions, and edited the International Appeal to Stop 5G on Earth and in Space.
COMMON LAW OF THE LAND. Highly Recommended Viewing For Everyone. Share this with everybody. It is time for our government & sovereign to account to the people for all that they are doing. The government are servants of the people.
William Keyte.Common Law The Occulted Powers of the British Constitution (pdf) The primary purpose of our Common Law constitution is to preserve the people's liberties, and the inverse expression of this is really to define the limits of government power.
Clearly, the aim is to prevent a situation in which the government itself could be infiltrated by powerful interests. The machinery of government and public servants themselves (either unwittingly perhaps - or with full knowledge but by bribery or blackmail) could then be used by those infiltrators to exert power over the people.
The central issue, then, is how much power does the government mechanism itself have.
To limit government itself is to protect the people.
William Keyte Youtube videos that explain the above pdf document.
William Keyte. Justice System Enquiry: Warning and Details
Tribute To A True Sovereign. Karen-Ruth Skolmli. Karen-Ruth Skölmli passed away on 27 January 2024. Today few may know Karen-Ruth Skölmli, but one day many will. After winning the battle against cancer for a period, allowing time to share her wisdom, dear Ruth passed away. Ruth will be missed by so many. In her passing, she leaves a mighty legacy for the benefit of all humanity.
Richard Vobes with Ruth Skolmli: Your Rights In 20 Seconds There is much confusion about the law, and your rights.
Common Law appears baffling or too simple to be true. Ruth Skolmli has been studying common law for years and explains just what it is, and why it is so empowering.
Karen-Ruth Skolmli Videos Common Law (Judiciary) versus True Common Law (of the Land). Sovereign Natural Empowerment, and learning to stand in our own power, is arguably the most important thing we can do for ourselves and for humanity right now. More and more we are seeing our rights eroded as spurious laws pass almost uncontested through our Parliament often without any consideration of public opinion let alone public consultation. Taking back control of our lives is empowering and builds resilience and courage when hope can often be at a low ebb. Join Ruth to explore how to find your voice, articulate your rights and be heard. Feel confident again knowing your inalienable rights can never be infringed upon and learn how to insist they are respected.
Sovereign Natural Empowerment Courses Introduction. This series of videos will help you to see there is remedy in knowledge, knowledge of the truth, knowledge of true law. And we can use their legal sytem against them, against the ones who use it against us.
Section End of Common Law of the Land.
On August 3, 1977, Cathy O'Brien testified to the 95th U.S. Congress to accuse Hillary Clinton of rape, and that she was a sex slave for Hillary and Bill Clinton 'who are bisexuals' affiliated in an elite sex trafficking ring that abuse and purchase and sacrifice children.
Since Trump announced that he's pledging to seek the DEATH PENALTY for all child r*pists and traffickers in every state as President, I'm sure they will face the trials first! --- as well as many others to come!
The Judgment Day is coming!
Dr Vernon Coleman. International bestselling author Dr Vernon Coleman discusses medical, financial and geopolitical issues.
Stand In The Park UK - Devon Groups Barnstaple. Bideford. Victoria Park
Budleigh Salterton. The Green
Chulmleigh. The Pavilion
Colyton. Communal Gardens
Crediton. Newscombe Meadow (playarea)
Dartmouth. Royal Avenue Gardens
Exeter. Exwick Playing Fields (carpark)
Exeter. Rougemont Gardens (library)
Exmouth. Manor Gardens (bandstand)
Honiton. Millennium Green, The Glen
Ilfracombe. Runnymede Gardens (Bandstand)
Newton Abbot. Courtney Park (bandstand)
Ottery St. Mary. Land of Canaan (outdoor gym)
Paignton. Young’s Park, Goodrington
Plymouth. Freedom Fields (main bench)
Plympton. Harewood House
Sidmouth. The lawn on The Byes
Tavistock. Meadows Park/Winter:8 King Street
Teignmouth. The Den
Tiverton. People’s Park
Dozens of hours of FREE video content from the historic second Better Way Conference that took place in Bath, UK in June of 2023.
The Sovereignty & Referendums Bill. A bill to 'Prohibit Ministers of the Crown from making or implementing any legal instrument which is not consistent with the sovereignty of the United Kingdom Parliament unless it has been approved by referendum' has been proposed through Ten Minute Rule by MP Andrew Bridgen. MP Andrew Bridgen will continue to fight for the sovereignty and integrity of the British people and for this Bill to be given the reading and support it deserves... and we need your help! You will find information here on the progression of the bill. Subscribe for updates and to find out how you can support. We will not be asking the public for any donations.
Petition. End the UK's membership of the WHO
The frightening power of television The box in the corner is controlling us if we watch it. Jemma Cooper, ex-TV News Presenter, joins Richard Vobes to talk about the power of media manipulation and how television is programming us.
Cancel your UK TV licence strives to shed light on information that is otherwise not depicted through ordinary media but which is of fundamental importance for the individual's free decision-making process.
Countdown To ControlThe countdown to complete control is underway. MUST SEE >>> Download Countdown To Control (pdf)Download Countdown To Control Links (pdf) Are you a victim of government & media coercion? Were you persuaded to get a jab you didn't need? How else might propaganda be coercing you into accepting things that aren't in your best interests? The assault on our freedoms comes in many guises and covers many different aspects of our lives. For those who are just waking up to what is going on, we have tried to summarise it all for you. Just click on any of the words to delve into the Why, Where, When, How and Who of What is going on. Then consider the What Ifs?.....and start to come up with some of your own. While we hope our interactive graphic is comprehensive, please do not consider it to be exhaustive. We are all still peeling back the many layers of deception. Every day reveals new insights, uncovers new psyops and surprises even the most avid rabbit-hole explorers.
THE GREAT RISING.MISSION STATEMENT. To put in place an effective strategy that will swiftly mobilise millions of truth and freedom activists to overwhelm and collapse in a peaceful manner the planned 'Great Reset' of the World Economic Forum along with the criminal anti-human agenda currently being rolled out by the corporate globalists. This will be done by carrying out lawful actions of mass non-compliance at a local level and through the creation of new, parallel systems that make existing and corrupted systems of state control completely redundant.
The Documentary 7/7 Ripple Effect Regarding the 7 July 2005 terrorist attacks in London ..... let us look at the facts, and what we were told, and compare them. Then, using Ockhamâs Razor and common-sense, let us see what conclusions are to be drawn, so we can all understand what most likely really did happen that day. Verint Systems is the security firm that is responsible for the CCTV surveillance cameras, in the London Underground rail network, and it is an Israeli company, with approximately 1000 employees. No CCTV footage of the four Muslims boarding the tube-trains has been released by Verint; who claim that their cameras were not working. Why? Because the four Muslims were not on the tube-trains that blew up. The initial message containing the story of the trial of the author of the documentary Dr Mike Yeadon Telegram Post about the 7/7/2005 Ripple Effect documentary.
Common Law (Judiciary) versus True Common Law (of the Land). Sovereign Natural Empowerment, and learning to stand in our own power, is arguably the most important thing we can do for ourselves and for humanity right now. More and more we are seeing our rights eroded as spurious laws pass almost uncontested through our Parliament often without any consideration of public opinion let alone public consultation. Taking back control of our lives is empowering and builds resilience and courage when hope can often be at a low ebb. Join Ruth to explore how to find your voice, articulate your rights and be heard. Feel confident again knowing your inalienable rights can never be infringed upon and learn how to insist they are respected.
Sovereign Natural Empowerment Courses Introduction. This series of videos will help you to see there is remedy in knowledge, knowledge of the truth, knowledge of true law. And we can use their legal sytem against them, against the ones who use it against us.
Join The Sovereign Fraternity There is a solution to the tyranny we're experiencing throughout the world today and it's within the grasp of everyone who is willing to work towards it. We believe this begins with unity and the first step in our mission is to unite those who wish to be free through the Sovereign Fraternity.
If you pledge to be proactive and take the oath to do no harm, keep your word and help your fellow sovereign, then you will not be alone on the journey towards becoming free and you will enjoy the Fraternity benefits.
I am suing Mr Hancock for defamation. Earlier this year, the former Health Secretary described me in a tweet as a "disgusting and dangerous" propagator of anti-Semitism. I believe this was to stop me asking questions about the safety and efficacy of Covid vaccines on behalf of my constituents and other members of the public who have suffered adverse reactions to the vaccines and from Covid policy in many other ways. If I am successful, any damages awarded will be donated IN FULL to support the seriously vaccine injured and their ongoing fight for recognition and remedy. Support free speech and the right of MPs to give a voice to the unheard. If you can, please support my case against Mr Hancock. Thank you. Andrew Bridgen
This DECLARATION by the British Constitution Group to Restore the Rule of Law in the United Kingdom was witnessed and unanimously endorsed by around five hundred people at the Guildhall, Winchester, on the 19th of November, 2016. Democracy Defined Campaign
Illegal arbitrary dispossession of homes, fabricated financial crises, unwarranted taxation, unemployment, and intolerable government molestation in the lives of innocent men and women, are all addressed herein. The catastrophic criminal inhumanity wrought upon whole populations by that miniscule number of men and women responsible for, and responsible for permitting (abetting) the Crime of Usury (money-lending-at-interest); fraudulent Fractional Reserve Lending; the issuance of national (and international) currency and credit at interest by non-national, de facto privately-owned "Central" Banks; the ubiquitous global crimes and lethality of International Monetary organisations and World Bank are confronted.
However, above all, it is the criminality of participants in the latterday "Justice" Systems which is exposed.
Due to the false preachings of modern politicians, you might have a completely mistaken idea of what democracy really is - many people do. This website brings home the realities. The information provided enables you to judge for yourself whether you live in a democracy or whether your government is a despotism, and what you can do about it.
The Winchester Declaration (pdf)What professional politicians daren't tell you ....(pdf)
There has never been more of a need for a common sense party which stands for defending our history and heritage, traditional family values, and protecting freedom of speech and civil liberties. This is the Heritage Party
Stop World Control. The Russian president is not the real Vladimir Putin. What is going on? A must see! The most profound difference in the new Putin is, that, while his predecessor was a Young Global Leader from the World Economic Forum, trained to promote the globalist agenda of a one world government, the new Putin has become the opposite of that. He openly opposes the globalist agenda, and calls for the preservation of sovereign nations.
Stop World Control. What nobody told you about Ukraine A must see! Shocking evidence of how the media worldwide is lying to humanity about what is really going on with Ukraine and Russia. QUOTE "When you observe how these criminals desperately want you to hate Putin, you should ask yourself: "Why? What is Putin doing, that is apparently a threat to them?" This brings us to a next basic reality: whenever the cabal tells you to hate somebody, it means this person is their enemy, and probably your friend. The only way to understand the current worldwide attack on Russia, is to know how this nation is a major obstacle for the one world government.
Stop World Control. The insane plans of the World Economic Forum. A must see! The good side of all of this indescribable madness, is that it is going way too far, and is therefore causing hundreds of millions of people to wake up and begin to understand what is going on in our world. This offers hope for the future, as for centuries, the masses have been clueless about the evil powers ruling their countries behind the scenes. Now at last humanity is starting to see how raving mad the rulers are, and how insanely wicked their agenda is.
It's time for the greatest awakening of all time ...
LEGAL HISTORY - AMERICAN DOMESTIC BIOTERRORISM PROGRAM. Enabling statutes, regulations, executive orders, guidance documents and budget allocations. If you are not aware of the work of Katherine Watt, I cannot emphasize strongly enough that you familiarise yourself with the contents of this thorough summary.
Katherine has diligently reviewed vast tracts of US Federal laws which have been used & are to this day in use to provide blanket immunity for administration of injurious "vaccines" under a "public health emergency".
It's absolutely shocking & explains why they're not stopping. This legal underpinning meshes perfectly with my & other's deductions that everything is lies intended to injure or kill very substantial numbers of people.
Awareness of the corruption of all institutions which are charged with looking out for our best interests is essential if we are to aim at the right targets.
There's just one way to turn this off legally & that's to prove wilful intent to injure or kill. Best wishes. Mike Yeadon on Telegram
PlandemicSeriesOfficial on The first PLANDEMIC, a 26 minute documentary, has been seen by over one billion people worldwide, setting a historic record.
The premiere of PLANDEMIC 2: INDOCTORNATION set streaming records with 2 million viewers attending the global livestream.
The series is accredited for being first to warn the world of the crimes against humanity that are now being brought to light.
PLANDEMIC 3: THE GREAT AWAKENING is currently in production, scheduled for world-wide release Fall 2022.
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